ZWD officially signed contract with the Embassy of Japan’s Grassroots Human Security Projects Scheme (GGP) in Khartoum for the implementation of Kanz Girls’ Primary School Rehabilitation Prpject in West Gallabaat, Al Kanz Village in Gadaref (USD 192,610).
The project aims to ensure access to primary education in a safe, hygienic and structurally sound learning environment for over 500 primary school-aged girls in Gadaref state. Lack of access to such an environment has been one of the primary causes for their high drop out rates in the state. This grant will promote further cooperation between the Government of Japan and Sudan.
The signing ceremony was hosted by H.E. Mr. Hideki Ito, the Ambassador of Japan to Sudan, attended by H.E. Mr. Abdel Hafeez Al Sadig Abdel Raheem, State Minister of Education, Dr. Salh Eldin Omer Mohamed, Deputy General Director of NGOs and Projects, Humanitarian Aid Commission, H.E. Mr. Abdulwahab Mohamed Alhijazy, Director of Asian Department, Mr. Altahir Hayder Altahir, Commissioner of Gala’ Al Nahal Locality, Gedaref State, Mr. Montaser Zain Alabdeen Edam, Program Coordinator of UPO, Ms. Fatima Ahmed, President of ZWD and other officials and community representatives.
At the ceremony, Ambassador Ito emphasized the importance of education, saying “Primary education supports children’s personal development at their critical time in their physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth through transmitting qualities and values such as critical thinking, healthy living, resilience and self-confidence. I believe that the education sector for any nation is critical in generating human resources required for development.”
ZWD’s Director Fatima Ahmed reassured how empowerment begins with education and that this grant will enable girls to develop abilities to make their own decisions in the future, which is critical to Sudan’s long-term development.