We are partnership driven, working with local and international partners to deliver services to the most needed on the ground

United Nations Agencies

Regional Networks

Government & Ministries

Embassy of France in Sudan
Embassy of Finland in Egypt
Embassy of Japan in Sudan
Ministry of Agriculture, Sudan
Ministry of Education, Sudan
Ministry of Health, Sudan
Ministry of Social Welfare, Sudan
Ministry of Justice, Sudan

Philanthropic Foundations & Consultancy Firms

NGOs & CSOs Networks

FEMNET– The African Women’s Development and Communication Network
HRLAN – Human Rights & Legal Aid Network
IDCS – Institute for the Development of Civil Society
NED – National Endowment for Democracy
SIHA Network – Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa
Sudan CSOs Network for Darfur
Sudan CSOs Network Poverty Eradication
Sudan CSOs for Civic Education and Election Monitoring TAMAM
Sudanese Network for FGM Eradication
Sudanese Network for HIV/AIDS
Peace Women Across the Globe
ZOA International

Research Institutions

ARC – Agriculture Research Cooperation (under MoA)

Financial Institutions

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